The Teacher's Tool Kit For Literacy

Part 1: Uncovering Podcast Gold: The Top 9

Episode Summary

In this podcast episode, the Sharon and team discuss the top nine podcasts that their audience has valued the most. They explore the key aspects of these podcasts and share insights into why they have been so popular.

Episode Notes

In this podcast, expert literacy consultant Sharon Callen and team aim to showcase the top nine podcasts (out of 94) that have resonated with their audience, based on current listenership data. They discuss the key aspects and themes covered in these top-rated podcasts to provide listeners with a taste of what they offer.

Starting with the ninth-ranked podcast, "Quick Writes using Mentor Texts," (00:06:43) with Sharon Callen, the hosts highlight three key takeaways. First, Quick Writes using Mentor Texts allow students to experiment and practise writing skills rapidly, emphasising the importance of hands-on learning and creativity. Second, these short writing exercises build stamina and the ability to notice what successful writers do, providing students with valuable tools. Third, it fosters student engagement and independence by letting them experiment with writing, empowering them to try new techniques.

Moving on to the eighth-ranked podcast, "The Conditions for Learning" (00:13:01 ) with Dr. Brian Cambourne, the hosts delve into the importance of meaning in education. They stress that students should find meaning in their learning experiences, and teachers should create opportunities for students to discover it. Engagement and the teacher's role in modelling and demonstrating actions for learning are also discussed as vital elements for effective teaching.

The seventh-ranked podcast, "How to Group Students Effectively for Learning" (00:20:47) with Diane Snowball, explores the concept of flexible grouping. The hosts emphasise the need for teachers to group students based on their specific learning needs rather than fixed, long-term groups. This approach ensures that students receive targeted support and allows teachers to address their individual progress.

Finally, the sixth-ranked podcast, "Teaching Writing Effectively" (00:29:25) with Alan Wright, highlights the importance of teachers being writers themselves. Alan suggests that teachers can boost their confidence in teaching writing by nurturing their own writing skills. The discussion also covers modelling writing styles, co-constructing texts from mentor texts, and providing students with choice in their writing topics to empower and motivate them.

Throughout these podcasts, the hosts emphasise the significance of flexibility, choice, engagement, and meaningful learning experiences in education, all aimed at improving teaching practices and student outcomes.

Stay tuned for the top 5 next week!

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The Teacher’s Tool Kit For Literacy is the free podcast for motivated teachers and school leaders who want the latest tips, tricks and tools to inspire their students and school community in literacy learning. 

Hear from literacy expert and founder of Cue Learning, Sharon Callen, and special guests.

At Cue Learning, our literacy specialists draw on over 30 years of teaching and international consulting experience to deliver world-class learning solutions. We equip, empower and support teachers to become their authentic selves. 

To find out about upcoming events, and about how Cue can help you and your school, visit the Cue Learning website and sign up to our newsletter

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Produced by Apiro Media

Episode Transcription

Podcast transcript Ep 95 and 96