The Teacher's Tool Kit For Literacy

Part 4: Teaching Reading in the First Year of School

Episode Summary

In part four of the podcast series "Teaching Reading in the First Year of School,” the hosts passionately discuss the complexities of teaching reading. They challenge the media’s oversimplified narrative of phonics versus whole language, emphasising a comprehensive approach to literacy. They explore the vital role of parents, the importance of professional development for teachers, and the necessity of making reading materials accessible to all students. This episode also highlights the significance of high-frequency words and the nuanced differences in teaching reading and spelling.

Episode Notes

In the fourth part of our podcast series ‘Teaching Reading in the First Year of School’, we delve into the intricacies of teaching reading in the first year of school. Hosted by Phil and Diane, this episode tackles the often oversimplified narrative that there are only two types of reading instruction: those who teach phonics explicitly and those who don't. They emphasise that teaching reading is a multifaceted process requiring a comprehensive approach.

Phil expresses frustration with the media's misrepresentation of reading instruction, which can lead to misconceptions among parents and educators alike. Diane highlights the importance of professional development and statewide programs, like the Early Literacy in Service Course (ELIC), which equipped teachers with the knowledge and skills needed for effective reading instruction.

They discuss the critical role of parents in fostering a love of reading at home, noting that children who are read to frequently tend to perform better in school. Diane offers practical advice for parents, including a curated list of recommended books, which will be available in the show notes.

The episode also explores the significance of a well-organised classroom library and the impact of children having access to a variety of books. Phil and Diane stress that having individual book boxes and a diverse classroom library helps children develop a daily reading habit and fosters a sense of ownership over their learning.

High-frequency words and phonics are central topics, with Diane explaining the different methods for teaching these skills. She underscores the importance of teaching children to recognise and write high-frequency words through engaging and interactive methods. Additionally, Diane highlights the need for children to understand the meaning and structure of words, rather than relying solely on rote memorization.

In addressing the challenges faced by disadvantaged schools, they shared a poignant story about a boy in Year 7 who lacked access to books, underscoring the need for equitable resources in education. She advocates for making school libraries accessible to both students and parents to bridge this gap.

Ultimately, this episode emphasises the complexity of teaching reading and the need for a balanced, comprehensive approach. Phil and Diane advocate for professional development, parental involvement, and equitable access to resources as key components in fostering literacy and a love of reading among young learners.





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