The Teacher's Tool Kit For Literacy

Part 1: Engaging Readers AND Writers Through Book Club

Episode Summary

In this podcast we interview Dr Jan Turbill about her remarkable discoveries in the teaching of reading and writing, linking research to practice at a NSW school over a 10 year period.

Episode Notes

In episode 99 of Teacher's Toolkit for Literacy, "Part 1: Engaging Readers and Writers Through Book Club" we welcome special guest Dr. Jan Turbill. Jan is an accomplished educator, who shares her experiences in education, including teaching in various settings and her work on literacy policy strategies.

Jan talks about her post-retirement involvement with a school, where she worked to improve literacy skills in students, particularly in Years 4,5 and 6. She describes how the idea of starting a book club came about and the collaborative efforts of teachers and students to engage with literature.

The episode also delves into the importance of teaching students to read like writers, emphasising the value of understanding an author's craft. Jan mentions the significance of establishing a personal connection with authors to enhance the reading experience for students.

The podcast highlights the structure of this particular way of using book club in a school, including choosing books by Australian authors, using the reading like a writer research, analysing literary devices, and fostering a love for writing through activities like power writing. Additionally, Jan discusses the impact of these strategies on students' confidence in their writing abilities.

The episode concludes with a mention of surveys conducted to assess the students' attitudes toward reading and writing, revealing positive changes in their perceptions and skills.

Overall, this podcast episode explores the innovative approach of integrating reading and writing to enhance literacy skills in students through a book club, showcasing the importance of reading like a writer and building a connection with authors.

Dr. Jan Turbill is currently an Honorary Senior Fellow in the Faculty of Education at the University of Wollongong with a remarkable career ranging from teaching in classrooms to supporting university students at the foundation of their careers. In addition, from 2007 to 2019, she served as the Teaching and Learning Consultant in the Faculty of Business, offering guidance on teaching and learning matters. Her impactful work earned her an ALTC Citation in 2011. Jan's leadership extends to her role as Past President of the Australian Literacy Educators Association (ALEA), where for eight years she contributed to national literacy initiatives, including the Australian Government's National Inquiry into Literacy. She's advised the NSW Department of Education and been active in the International Literacy Association, earning a place in the Reading Hall of Fame in 2008.


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Produced by Apiro Media

Episode Transcription
